
It's been a while (what I've been up to)

First, site related things:

punkfairie.net moved registrars. I was loyal to NameSilo for probably close to 10 years! But as prices started to creep up, they were no longer the cheapest option on the market. porkbun is now the winner in that category, and as an added bonus the feature set is wayyy less bloated which makes the UI super clean and easy to navigate. More features are not always better!

I'm still ironing out DNS migration, so the links to saudade and epiphany don't work at the moment. Fixed soon I hope!

Also, I may be moving off Neocities soon. Fiancee has a neat little homelab set up and has promised me a little server of my own (who I've named 'MarleyNet'!). Some sort of load balancer has to be set up though to tell the difference between traffic to blackcat.vip (fiancee's domain) and punkfairie.net. So that may take some time.

Future plans for MarleyNet beyond this site:

MarleyNet has an older sister, MarleyCentre (named after the hardware: ThinkCentre). Currently all she's running is a Soft Serve instance, accessible from a Wishlist directory.

Other tech projects:

I became an arch user. And a vim user. I completely ditched Windows a while ago and for the most part have been happy with that decision! I still can't get Skyrim to load with a Wabbajack modlist and my Farming Simulator accessories don't work right but those are the only downsides so far. It's been a lot of fun tinkering with my own system :)

Neovim is mostly going fine, still got some tinkering to do for everything to work how I want it to for editing this site. But it's absolutely perfect for editing configs & shell scripts, which I find myself doing a lot of these days. I even learned Go with it!!

The Neovim config I'm using is LazyVim, but if you're a beginner I don't recommend installing someone else's config first. Just start using it, and add things to your own config as you go. Once you get into plugins, and get sick of managing conflicts and plugin opts on your own, then install LazyVim :). It's super customizable, and most things just work.

What I'm up to elsewhere:

I've gotten really into Obsidian lately, and the whole second brain/personal knowledge management thing in general. I may do a proper writeup about it soon with some links!

I got a new job recently, doing admin work which means NO MORE CUSTOMER SERVICE!! I'm absolutely loving it so far, and it's what got me into Obsidian and everything mentioned above, because there's just so much random information I need to know and processes to follow and I needed some way to keep track of it all. Plus my day is way more self-structured than before, and there's a lot of random little to-dos to keep track of!